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A Simple Prayer

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Marc Gilbert
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A Simple Prayer

Post by Marc Gilbert » Thu Oct 24, 2024 1:26 pm

Crown my head in gray, dear Lord,
And bless my tangled tongue.
Return to me the mystery
I knew when I was young.

Before the scorn of cynics,
Before the sophist’s sneers
Condemned and then converted me
And ground me in the gears

Of mundane acquisition.
Behold the jester’s prize:
A stick-strung golden carrot
And blinders for the eyes

That once looked ‘round in wonder
At all Your hands had made,
Dimmed by fleeting glimmers
sparked by treasures doomed to fade.

Restore to me the vision,
To see with childlike grace,
To marvel at the morning sun
And trace the stars in space.

Lift the veil of reason,
Let awe be my reward,
And let me walk in mystery,
With trust in You, my Lord.
"Poetry is not speech raised to the level of music, but music brought down to the level of speech." - Paul Valery

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Re: A Simple Prayer

Post by Gyppo » Fri Oct 25, 2024 5:14 am


I'm not one for praying, but this is beautiful, sincere, and has everything a prayer should have.

I've been writing ever since I realised I could.  Storytelling since I started talking.  Poetry however comes and goes  ;-)

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Tracy Mitchell
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Re: A Simple Prayer

Post by Tracy Mitchell » Fri Oct 25, 2024 11:53 am

Thanks for posting.  The cadence and rhyme qualities are worth the price of admission.  Wonderful and Lyrical and sensicle too
I am not a prayer-guy either, but I agree with Gyppo's assessment.  This is beautiful, and actually has something in it for this Pagan-Spirit-Worshiper.



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