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Post by TrevorConway » Sun Aug 15, 2021 2:45 pm

Ireland, I have wanted you
to be something more to me
than vicious green and numbing rain. 

Muggy pub and Guinness tongue
are soft delights in dank winter,
but I am alive in summer, a plant 

always pining for sun, for warmth
and bright things that startle my senses
into a stupor of doing. 

You won’t still me, and all your grey
manoeuvring somehow imprisons me,
so forgive me, Ireland, for being away. 

I don’t mean to betray you,
only to grow.

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Re: Betrayal

Post by Dave » Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:27 am

Hi Trevor
An interesting take on Ireland and your relationship to it. When I lived there I say the colour that stuck in my mind was always grey not green as in the classic idea of the emerald island. Vicious and numbing are great adjectives in S 1 but then the rest of the poem largely lacks singular and interesting verbs. This would help the energy that drives the N to leave.
Hence I would suggest a stronger dynamic through verbs.


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Re: Betrayal

Post by Matty11 » Mon Aug 16, 2021 1:02 pm

Hi Trev,
I liked vicious too.

Proffer soft delights

Just a thought

manoeuvres ...reduces some -ing



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Re: Betrayal

Post by AlienFlower » Thu Aug 19, 2021 4:07 am

Hi Trevor,
Your feelings for Ireland are obvious here, but using qualifiers to express it (I have wanted you, somehow, forgive me, I don’t mean to) weakens your voice. How about “Ireland, be something more to me than…”
I agree with Dave that this poem would benefit from stronger verbs. The noun phrases (vicious green, numbing rain, muggy pub, Guinness tongue, soft delights, dank winter, bright things, grey manoeuvring) make the poem wander.
Just my view. Feelings for a country—I don’t have the guts to tackle that, myself.

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Re: Betrayal

Post by TrevorConway » Sun Aug 29, 2021 12:36 pm

Hi Dave, Phil and Jackie.

I appreciate the feedback. I see I have a good but to do in order to make this more interesting.

Thanks a mill,


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Tracy Mitchell
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Re: Betrayal

Post by Tracy Mitchell » Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:50 pm

Hi Trevor,

Love this poem -- you take a big bite of the apple. 

Perhaps poems of such psychic girth do not require near-continual tinkering, but it often seems that way to me.

My only suggestion is to see how this feels to you with the last line deleted.  For me, the poem reaches a natural crescendo with the line  "I don’t mean to betray you".  It could also be considered as "I don’t mean to betray."  Just my thought.

I very much like plant metaphor.



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Re: Betrayal

Post by TrevorConway » Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:01 pm

Hi Tracy,

Thanks very much for your input here. I think I agree straighaway about ditching the "you", though not so sure yet about the last line. Looking back at this poem, the imprisons idea/line feels too obvious/bland, so that'll have to go, too.



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Tracy Mitchell
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Re: Betrayal

Post by Tracy Mitchell » Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:29 pm

Hi Trevor,
When I considered "imprisons" I thought perhaps instead -- "stunts" to extend the plant metaphor. But that didn't seem quiet right either. 


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Re: Betrayal

Post by TrevorConway » Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:43 am

Thanks for the follow-up, T.


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Re: Betrayal

Post by Interlace1 » Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:45 am

Some good suggestions here but you wouldn't miss any marks by leaving this as it is. Lovely writing. Prevailing feelings of guilt and nostalgia - the primacy of person over place, despite the indivisible relationship between them. This tension really comes through.


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